UCEA 2011 – Conference Report

To all ISLDN Colleagues:

The International School Leadership Development Network took another significant step forward recently when members met during a four-hour workshop at the UCEA Convention in Pittsburgh. Following our meeting in BELMAS in July the network has now formed into two sub-groups, one focused on leadership in high need schools and the other on social justice leadership.

Clearly, not everyone who has expressed interest in the project was able to be present in Pittsburgh. Those there were mindful of this and have continued to develop the project in ways that remain open and flexible.  As coordinators, we recognise that not everybody will be able to attend all the conferences where we can meet – the challenge is to develop working practices that allow everyone to participate. The network is currently looking at a range of web 2.0 tools to help maintain communication between conferences.

However, we recognise that we are now at a point where we need to firm up the membership of the two sub-groups so that we can make sure we are able to communicate effectively. Some limited communication will go to everyone in the network, but we now believe that most communication from now on will be within sub-groups. Therefore, as the work of these groups is becoming more defined, we are now asking members to make a clear commitment to one of the two groups.  If you have not yet expressed an interest in a group, and you wish to do so, please can we ask you do this by 31st December 2011? Thereafter, membership of the groups will be based on those who have indicated their interest in working in these areas.

We apologise if this sounds somewhat bureaucratic, but we are now at a point where we need to develop clear group identities in order to make progress on the important issues we are focusing on. Although groups will almost certainly expand and develop in the future, we think that at this planning stage there are important benefits from each group having clear and stable memberships.

For your information, we have attached a fuller report of the outcomes of the conference session. Pittsburgh Report011211

Please get back to us if you have questions about any of the above. After Pittsburgh we have a clear sense that the project has taken a significant step forward and we are keen to maintain this momentum. We very much look forward to working with you over the coming months as both projects develop further.

Bruce Barnett (UCEA)
Howard Stevenson (BELMAS)

BELMAS Conference 2011 – project session

At the BELMAS conference in Wyboston Lakes project members had a chance to discuss recent project developments and next steps.  The session powerpoint is available here – International School Leadership Development Network.

A focus of the session was an opportunity to clarify thinking in relation to the project themes – see powerpoint.  If you were at the session, and wish to continue the dialogue, please use the comment facility on this blog.

Bruce and Howard will write up this discussion and disseminate to all project members so that everyone has an opportunity to participate.

The next time the project group will meet will be at the UCEA convention in Pittsburgh in November.  The project’s next steps, between now and then, are set out in the powerpoint.

Call for Expressions of Interest – closed

The deadline for submitting ‘Expressions of Interest’ for the UCEA-BELMAS International Collaborative Research Project has now passed.

If you submitted an EoI we thank you for submitting an application.

Interest in the project has been excellent and far exceeded our expectations – we have received 35 submissions, representing  90 scholars and covering a diverse range of national contexts.

Representatives from BELMAS and UCEA are now reviewing the submissions and following this process we will be reporting to our respective organisations. This will take place in early March.

We expect to be able to inform you of the outcomes of these discussions in mid-March. We will be back in touch with you then.

Thank you again for your interest

Bruce Barnett (UCEA)
Howard Stevenson (BELMAS)

International Research Project – Call for Expressions of Interest

International Perspectives on School Leadership Preparation and Development:

A BELMAS-UCEA Collaborative Research Project

Call for Expressions of Interest

The project

In 2010 the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA) and the British Educational Leadership Management and Administration Society (BELMAS) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), which committed the two organisations to work together more closely and to identify opportunities for engaging members in collaborative international work. The project outlined below is a direct consequence of the MoU.

BELMAS and UCEA have both agreed to support a collaborative research project that focuses on a significant issue of interest to members in both organisations, and that explores this issue from an international perspective.  A key aim of the project is to make a significant contribution to knowledge in the field of educational leadership and administration. The focus of the project has been identified following extensive member discussions at UCEA and BELMAS conferences (in 2009 and 2010 respectively), combined with a survey of all members in both organisations in September/October 2010.  From this survey of members the following provisional title is presented: International Perspectives on School Leadership Preparation and Development

The intention is to facilitate an international comparative study of how those involved in school leadership are supported in their preparation and development as leaders.  This may include how leadership development is supported through both formal and informal networks, succession planning, teacher leadership, as well as exploring the policy context which seeks to shape leadership preparation and development in different national settings.  At this stage no further detail is provided, as it is important that those involved in the project have the opportunity to sharpen its focus and determine its design.

Further project details are available at https://uceabelmasjointproject.blogs.lincoln.ac.uk/

Why become involved?

  • An opportunity to participate in a substantial research project likely to contribute to furthering knowledge in an important area of the educational leadership field.
  • An opportunity to work internationally across a broad range of countries.
  • An opportunity to build an international network of colleagues, conducting research collaboratively and generating associated outputs such as publications and conference papers.

Application process and project details

BELMAS and UCEA are committed to supporting the project for three years, allowing time for a project group to be convened, to agree on a project design, to collect and analyse data and to begin to generate and disseminate findings.  Given the flexible nature of the project, participants will decide if they wish to extend their involvement beyond this timeframe, and in what form.

The project will be overseen by Bruce Barnett (Associate Director of International Affairs, UCEA) and Howard Stevenson (Co-Research Coordinator, National Council, BELMAS).  Bruce and Howard will take a role in establishing the project, providing initial coordination and reporting progress to their respective bodies.

Anyone wishing to participate in the project needs to make a formal submission addressing the issues identified in this call for Expressions of Interest. Submissions will be reviewed by a group drawn from representatives from UCEA and BELMAS. The review group will then contact those who have submitted to clarify the nature of their involvement.

Applications can be from individuals or groups of people. Where a group submission is made a group co-ordinator should be identified as a point of contact.  Within the USA participants should be based within UCEA member institutions (where a group submission is presented, the group co-ordinator should be based within a UCEA institution); outside of the USA priority will be given to members of BELMAS and its linked organisations.

Note – the project is conceived very flexibly, allowing it to develop to reflect the interests of participants. This flexibility includes various modes of participation and engagement in the project.  It is envisaged that people may participate in a wide range of different ways, such as conducting research, serving as a project consultant, or supporting networks of colleagues across projects.  If you have specific ideas about your potential involvement in the project, please outline these in the Expression of Interest.

Support for the project

This is NOT a funded research project.  It is not possible to fund project members for their time on the project, and there can be no guarantee of covering expenses.  Those interested in participating in the project need to be aware of this.  However, UCEA and BELMAS are committed to supporting the project in several important ways:

  • Leadership support – through the UCEA Associate Director of International Affairs and the BELMAS Co-Research Co-ordinator.
  • Networking and collaboration support – given the international nature of the project, BELMAS and UCEA will provide resourcing to support communication, such as the hosting of discussion forums and blogs.
  • Dissemination support – both organisations are committed to making space available at their respective conferences for the project group to meet and report work in progress.  UCEA and BELMAS journals will also be available as outlets for project dissemination.
  • Financial support – some limited financial support will be available.  This may be used to contribute to costs of equipment, data collection and travel.  Applications for financial support can be made once the project is established and the resource implications become clearer.

Submission process and deadline

Expressions of interest should be addressed to Bruce Barnett at bruce.barnett@utsa.edu or Howard Stevenson at hstevenson@lincoln.ac.uk by 31st January 2011 (please include ‘Expression of Interest’ in the email title).  Informal enquiries or points of clarification can also be addressed to Bruce or Howard at any time.

Expressions of interest should be a maximum 1000 words and address these issues:

  • Reasons for interest in the project – International Perspectives on School Leadership Preparation and Development
  • Thoughts on project design
  • Role you envision in the project (e.g., researcher, consultant, cross-project networking)
  • Evidence of previous work in relevant areas dealing with school leadership preparation and development, especially from an international perspective
  • Evidence of ability to access potential data sources (e.g., contacts with potential case-studies, links to relevant organisations)
  • Full contact details for all those named in the submission, which may be accompanied by a short Curriculum Vitae for each individual (these details not included in the 1000 words)

UCEA Convention, New Orleans, 2010

Many thanks to all those who made the session we had at the UCEA Convention in New Orleans such a success. A particular thanks to Charlie Slater, Paula Cordeiro and Philip Woods for their contributions as panellists at the session.  The aim was to move forward our thinking for the project, and many of the excellent ideas raised have helped us refine project details.

At the session we were able to report that both UCEA and BELMAS have formally endorsed the project and we anticipate a formal launch in mid November.  A call for ‘Expressions of Interest’ is currently being finalised and this will be issued shortly. Once issued we encourage colleagues to consider becoming involved, and/or to pass details to anyone who may be  interested in potentiallyparticipating.

Next project session – at UCEA Convention

The next session for the project will be at UCEA’s annual convention in New Orleans, 28th-31st October.

BELMAS-UCEA International Community-Building Session: “Establishing an International Scholar Community for Comparative Research in Educational Leadership and Management”
  Unit: UCEA Annual Convention
  Scheduled Time: Fri, Oct 29 – 8:10am – 9:30am, Building/Room: Sheraton New Orleans / Southdown, 4th Floor

Project Consultation

At the BELMAS conference at Reading in July a session was organised in which the whole conference engaged in discussion about what a likely international collaborative project might look like.  The session was assisted by a panel comprising Michelle Young (Executive Director, UCEA), Charlie Slater, Philip Woods and Alison Taysum.

From this session a number of potential research themes were identified. These were subsequently distilled down to three broad areas:

  • Leadership preparation and development
  • Democratic leadership
  • Cross cultural perspectives on leadership

These areas are deliberately broad. It is envisaged that when the research project group is established then the participants will shape the proposals in ways that align with their interests.

UCEA and BELMAS are currently consulting with their memberships as to which of these areas is considered to be the most worthy and interesting.

The aim is to identify an issue that can make a useful contribution to extending knowledge in our field, that is currently in need of further research and that would particularly benefit from being researched through an international collaborative project.

If you are member of BELMAS, or work in a UCEA affiliated institution, please complete the (very short) survey currently being circulated (Via Survey Monkey).  But feel free also to leave a comment on this blog in relation to any of the ideas being presented.

The current plan is for the consultation to finish in early October and for the project proper to commence after the UCEA Convention at the end of that month.  After that, we will be inviting colleagues to submit expressions of interest if they think they wish to become involved in developing this project.  Details on this blog as they appear.